We hope to guide our customers in an easy online submission for our Xactimate Estimates.  Please look at our FAQ for questions you may have on this process.

What’s your turn around time?

From the complete submission generally 24 hours before you will have a completed estimate or claim.  Then if necessary upon your review for edits we will complete your written requested edits to your estimate.  The edits are generally completed the same day or less than 24hrs.


Do I always get an ESX file?

Yes, you will get your ESX file delivered after your order has been properly submitted and payment for services is complete.

When do I pay for my Estimate?

Your purchase must be completed prior to delivery of your estimate.  A debit card or credit card must be provided at the time of contract (when you submit your request for Xactimate writing services).

Do you submit to the carrier or adjust claims?

We provide you estimates.  The rest of the work is your job.  Were provide the best tool for the task ahead.  We do not adjust claims at Claim Write Inc., We write estimates. .